Quick divorce Virginia
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Client Information

Client's Name
Choose either 5 Week Divorce, 2 Week Divorce, or Publication Divorce. No Court Appearance Required For All Options.

Name Change

Are you requesting a name change?

Marriage Details

City, State or Foreign Country || For example: Norfolk, Virginia OR Toronto, Canada
Do you already have a signed Separation and Property Settlement Agreement?



Physical Address

Street Address
Mailing Address (if different from Physical Address)

Client Residency Status

Are you currently a Virginia resident?

Spouse Residency Status

Is your spouse currently a Virginia resident?

Spouse Information

Will your spouse sign a document agreeing to the divorce?
Spouse's Name:
What is your spouse's gender?

Spouse Name Change

Is your spouse requesting a name change?

Spouse's Contact Information

(If current address is unknown, please enter the last known address.)
Spouse's Address

Spouse's Phone

Primary Phone Number

Spouse's Email


How many children were born to or adopted by you and your spouse?
(Please include all children regardless of age)


Do you and your spouse have any financial assets/property to divide or debts to resolve?
Including houses, cars, bank accounts, personal property, credit cards, etc.
Are you requesting spousal support/alimony?
Is your spouse requesting spousal support/alimony?
Do you or your spouse have any pension, retirement plan, 401(k) that will be divided?

United States Armed Services

Are you on active duty in the United States Armed Services?
Is your spouse on active duty in the United States Armed Services?

Status of Divorce

Has a divorce case already been filed in any court by you or your spouse?

Client Demographic Information

Please select the Country you were born, ONLY If not born in the U.S.
Specify the Highest Grade Level Completed for elementary through high school.
Specify the Highest Grade Level Completed for college.

Spouse Demographic Information

Please select the Country your spouse was born in, ONLY If not born in the U.S.

Other Information

Sending or receiving information through this website via a submission form or email does not create an attorney-client relationship and any response by the attorney or law firm does not constitute legal advice. Please note that any information sent to the attorney or law firm via a submission form or email is not considered confidential or privileged information.